
A False Idea

So, going to the school I go to, there are always engagements and the such going on. And yes, if you know me, you know I try my best to remain as strong as I can and be happy for everyone, yet I still wonder when "my time" (doesn't that sound selfish, in the grand scheme of things?) will come. Well, I've heard many girls say that once you've reached that point in your relationship with God where you just love Him so deeply, then He will bring "that person" into your life. Pardon me, but this is NOT TRUE! And I'm not saying this to be bitter, but to cast out that dumb belief. This idea makes girls feel as if they are not truly loving the Lord! I see a TON of friends around me that are unattached and have such a deep passion for the Lord! We love the Lord with all our hearts, and people want to say "Oh, when you truly love the Lord, you'll meet him." Okay, what about those that are called to singleness? What about those that become Christians after they are married? True, everything is in God's plan, and He does have a time for everything, but it is not true that He brings a partner into our lives once we have "truly loved Him". We have been talking a lot about marriage and singleness in my class, "The Early Pauline Epistles", because we are currently studying Corinthians. Not to offend any of you married couples out there, I know your relationship is built on Christ. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 7:32-35:
"I want you to be free from anxieties. The unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to please the Lord. But the married man is anxious about worldly things how to please his wife, and his interests are divided. And the unmarried and betrothed woman is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to be holy in body and spirit. But the married woman is anxious about wordly things, how to please her husband. I say this for your own benefit, not to lay any restraint upon you, but to promote good order and to secure your undivided devotion to the Lord."

Okay, so the whole idea that God brings that "special someone" into our lives when we fully love the Lord- no! Why would God say, "Okay, you "fully" love me, let me present this one in your life so that your love for me may be divided." Being married is awesome, from what I hear. It is a gift from God and it should be based on God. But I disagree with the idea floating around in everyone's heads that we are not on fire for the Lord if we are still single. If anything, when we are single, we are loving the Lord with all our hearts, our souls, and our minds. All of it. So, please take this idea out of your head, girls. God will bring this "special someone" into your life if that is in His will. This magical formula: Being passionate about God and loving Him = Finding my soulmate, brings room for false motives. There is no magic formula. God examines our hearts. So, lets cast this idea out!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

What a ridiculous notion! While the Lord wants us to be content in all circumstances, it is HE who puts the desire to marry in our hearts. It was HE who told us to be fruitful and multiply, within the context of marriage. He obviously would not place Godly desires/ambitions in us that were merely there as a "reward" for loving Him fully. Glad you realize how foolish this is, Krista, and that you're willing to set the record straight (with Scriptual backing) for other young ladies who may be feeling guilty about this without warrant.