
"My Brain Hurts!!!"

Man, oh man. It has been a good weekend. My children's ministry kids are going to be in the Easter Pageant, so I started off the day by pickign them up for practice. Then, I went garage sale-ing with Amy, and I got a beautiful quilt for $2.00!! Yes, I know, we are good. Then, I came back to school, picked the kids up and dropped them off, and then I left with Amy to look at her new house. Her and a couple other girls are renting a house starting in May and it was very exciting to see!! I think it will be fun because we are all really growing up. Some of us in apartments, and then some of us in a house!! That's pretty insane.

I came back to the dorm and then left to go babysit. It was an interesting night. Anna just got taken of the pacifier so she was a bit antsy. It took her a while to fall asleep. Nathan was just so funny last night. I knew he would end up stalling before bedtime, because he does that every night. Well, last night was no different, but I loved what he tried to pull with me. He got up to use the restroom and I knew he didn't have to go, but I let him anyways. Then as he was getting in bed, he says "Miss Krista, I feel so bad, I feel sooo bad." "Oh? What's wrong Nathan??" "My... my.. my brain hurts..." At this point I almost laugehd out lout but I knew that would crush him so I played along and said "I'm sure your brain won't hurt if you go to sleep!" and he gave me this very adult look like "I really don't want to go to bed!" It was really funny, but finally, after a lot of talking, he went to sleep. I then started on some homework and then fell asleep. They always told me I could go to sleep, but I never actually have. Well, they came home at one, and I didn't hear them walk in, so when she said my name to wake me, I jumped and was very scared. There's something about sleeping in a place you don't normally sleep. It was really funny and scary, but then I left for home.

It was an interesting Saturday! I hope yours was, too!

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