
Oh, wonderful :)

So things are going good with children's ministry right now. Our backyard bible club went really well. We had 3 kids show up from the apartments, and 5 of our normal faces. They were all so great! They were so into bible study, and arts and crafts. They conversed with eachother like they knew eachother their whole lives. It was neat to see kids do that. We go to the zoo in Waco on Tuesday, and Thursday is the backyard bible club again. I'm excited!

It is hard for me to believe that I only have a few more weeks here and then school starts up again. It's funny because I can't really say that I want to move in and all. I mean, it will be exciting to be living in our apartment, but I am enjoying this summer so much. I miss the atmosphere with all my friends around, but I love having what feels like a real job and having fun doing it. One thing I love about being on church staff is that while we do work, we also have fun, consider eachother's feelings, keep up with eachother's lives, and seek authenticity. I'm enjoying that. You know how you can feel one way, and try to cover it up? Yeah, that is not easy to do now, and I am sooo thankful for it. The people I work with really care, pastor, ministers, interns, secretary, they all care. And I care for them as well. I don't believe that them being ministers, and on the church staff, gives reason for this authentic atmosphere. I believe it is because each one is seeking God and seeking to engage in other's lives. Now, I'm not trying to say it's perfect, but it is that seeking for Him in our lives that makes it so joyful.

I am learning and growing, and I am enjoying it.

I hope you are all doing great!!

God Bless

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