

Yes, I think I am quite the responsible young lady :) I made myself a budget plan today. You may be thinking, "Krista, you don't make that much money, why do you have a budget plan?". Well, I have a budget plan because it motivates me to save. I made it on my computer today, and I am so proud of myself. Now I will be able to tell where my money goes, and better ways to spend it. There have been little things that have encouraged me to do this...

Ever since I was little my mom had a budget book, and I thought it was SOOO cool. Yeah, it's not that cool now, but I'm learning that it helps to have some sort of organizational habits when it comes to spending and saving money!

I read Blue Like Jazz a while back, and it had a chapter called money, and it really convicted me on tithing. Being a "poor college student" is no excuse to not do it.

Losing money, and not knowing where it went.... Yeah, that's definitely encouraged me to start saving it.

Buying a car when I graduate! Yes, I am going to.

Those are a few.

Countdown to school: 13 days! AHHHH. I'm excited and not all at the same time! :)


Anonymous said...

:) thats what i do krista!


Stephanie said...

So proud of you! It's NEVER too early to learn to tithe and save. If you get used to tithing when it's only $10, it'll be engrained in you by the time you're giving $100. And saving, well, I can't tell you enough how important it is to start at your age! But it sounds like you already know that, so go feast on your poor college student's meal of Ramen noodles and water. ;)