
My pugs :)

I always talk about them, so I figured I'd let you see some recent pictures of my two precious puggeroos!! They really are a joy to me.

This is my Khaki. He has decided that his new bed outside will be my dad's beloved fern. Let me tell you, this is quite hilarious. My mom and I never liked the fern to begin with, and so we "let" my dad put it in the backyard. Apparently, Khaki doesn't think much of it either- he thinks it's a bed!! Everytime my dad hears about it, he has to laugh a little. I can't wait to send him this picture! (haha!)

This is Edith. She has gone through a LOT these past two weeks, and because of her eye right now, she has to wear this cone. She's getting used to it more very day. We love her a lot!

You have to admit, our pugs add laughter to life! ;)


Anonymous said...

aw :) they look huggable :D


Stephanie said...

Emma got a big kick out of these pictures...thanks!