
Ooooh, isn't it so loverly???

So, do you like it? I'm so pleased with the design that Susie put together for me :) It makes my blog a lot more cozy and I'm even more excited about blogging than I was before. ;) So, I hope you like it!!

I chose this verse because it is true for every Christian. He put a new song in our mouth, and so we have every reason to sing praises to Him. How amazing it is that He is our amazing Father, and through Him, we have complete joy. :)

I'm back at school now, and some of you have been asking how my presentation went last night. Well, I am your typical procrastinator, but that doesn't stop me from doing my best! Dr. Stafford was very pleased with my work, and I got many compliments from my peers after class. I was very surprised, because while I thought I did decent work, it turned out to be great. So, yay for presentations (that are over)!

Right now I'm at work. The volunteers at Children's Ministry, Luke (co-leader), and I have all been thinking of ways to raise money for the playground out at the apartments where our ministry is held. This playground is in horrible shape, and if nothing is done soon, one of the kids is going to get hurt. So, I had an appointment with a guy on campus that is in charge of all of the fundraisers, and it went very well! I'm excited to see where our fundraising takes us, and what our end result will be for our playground project. So, if you have any ideas on building playgrounds, please let me know! :)

I guess I also failed to mention that I got a new car. I didn't know if I wanted to blog about it or not, but here I am. I ended up getting a 2007 Nissan Sentra. Long story short, the old car pretty much died over Spring Break, and so my mom and dad figured it was time for me to invest in a new car. I was very pleased when we went test driving. What's even more awesome is that I am now investing in something that is worth it in the long run that will also help my credit. So, yay for new cars! (I knew Spring Break was unpredictable! ;)

I hope you all have a wonderful day!!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

It's BEAUTIMOUS!! I love it the new blog design...the colors, the verse, the tulips...it's all great.

Do you like "The Last Sin Eater"? I love everything I've read by Francine Rivers, and I did enjoy this one as well. Very unique story line.