
Well, another week has passed! September seems as if it is just flying by :)

This week went well. On Monday night we had pageant orientation and it seems as if there will be many fun times to be had. I was so comforted because everyone seems to be in the same boat of anxiety. So that's nice. Practice starts on Monday, and will be on M,T,Th from 6-9 until November! We perform our talent on Tuesday night, so I'm practicing my mime skit!!

I got to meet up with my mime teacher on Wednesday. She has studied under Marcel Marceau- I am so blessed! She is so nice and had so many great ideas :)

Tonight I went country dancing which was way fun. I've learned all the steps to the songs which is really nice :) All of the instructors are so nice. I even get to babysit for 2 of them!! :)

Well, that's a summary of my life right now. Tomorrow I begin planning for Guatemala trip!!!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I just read that Marcel Marceau died at age 84, today I think. Maybe you'll be his next protege... ;)