
Exciting events...

So I have one more final exam tomorrow and then I am finished with my BA degree!!! Woo-hoo!!!! So far I have two As, and am hoping for a 3rd :)

I also have a JOB INTERVIEW (again) on Wednesday! This one is going to be a little different though- I'm interviewing for a technical writing position in San Antonio. I really want it! I would love to say, "Oh, I'm a writer" when asked what I do for a living. I mean, really. How AWESOME would that be???? :) I'll keep you posted!

On Saturday I receive my diploma and then go home to SA! Russell and I are spending Christmas with my folks and I'm super pumped about that. We'll be there for about a week and then we are driving to Tennessee for New Years to spend it with his mom. So it will be a fun month!! Then, I come back to the REAL world. Eeeeek. Maybe I'll stay in Tennessee a little longer... ;)

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