
Sweet Moments, First Steps

I work at a church nursery every Wednesday. I usually don't look forward to it before I go in because I'm already tired and just want to read a book for the rest of the night, or now, research SEO for my new job. I don't know why I have this feeling when each week I always leave feeling like I just spent time with some of the coolest kids on the planet. =-) Tonight was no exception.

I got to help a little girl take some of her first steps tonight. It was such a remarkable thing to see and be a part of. She has some health issues that prohibit her from using her muscles correctly (it will take her a lot longer to learn how to use them than other kids), so to help her achieve this was so amazing for me. She was grinning from ear to ear and didn't want to stop. I am very excited about being able to help her again next week!

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