
I love my job!

I just got a raise last night. All the way from 6 to 7 dollars an hour for babysitting. That is a big difference! If you can't tell, I had no problem with that!

So I've come pretty far when it comes to crying babies. I used to panic and take offense quite easily, and even thought I'd be a horrible mother! But, alas, I have learned not to panic, and to try to figure out what's wrong. After all, babies are known to cry, no?

Last night, I was putting Anna down, and she is usually really good about that and falls right to sleep. Well, as I was changing her diaper before she went to bed last night, she started crying, and throwing things (she usually stops crying when you give her something to play with). So, I took her back out to the living room and gave her some juice to drink and she was fine. I let her look at the Teletubbies a little longer on the television, and put her down, and she was fine. You just have to find what she wants. She's really a great baby.

Nathan was good last night, too! When I came inside yesterday, he was eating dinner and I sat with him and his mom, and he turns to me and says, "I love you!" Yeah, that made my day! It was the cutest thing and it made me so happy. The rest of the night he watched Teletubbies while dressed as Po from Teletubbies. It was hilarious :)

So, I love my job.

Today I'm doing laundry and catching up on some homework. Here's to aiming for motivation!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

That's great that you're getting baby practice, Krista. I wish I'd had that! Maybe you'll be able to skip all the panicking that normally accompanies first-time-motherhood.
(Oh, and you deserve the raise...you're the best sitter ever! Speaking of which, when are you coming home?)