
It is OVER!

So... the test is over!!! Oh my goodness! I don't think I have ever stressed out so much over ONE test!!

Last night Lauren and I studied at Cool Bean and studied more when we came home. It felt like too much to handle! We went in this morning, and Dr. Martin says that he lost the original exam and had to make a completely different one. Was this a good thing? Well, the test was downsized from 90 to 50 questions, and it also included no essay. This was a good thing and a bad thing. I feel that if all 90 questions were the way these 50 were, I would've been panicky. These questions were so broad, and they could've gone in many directions. So... I think we get our test back on Thursday, and I will update all of you on the status of my grade then!

Tomorrow is my last test for the week in Spanish. I think after my English class today I am going to take a nap and then study. I feel like a need some sort of a break!

Okay, I know that my studies aren't that interesting, but this is my life right now. :) I could tell you certain funny moments that arise when we study. This morning I started using my Elmo voice when I was studying. It made for some laughter. :)


Stephanie said...

I'm so glad for you that it's OVER! Let us know the results, ok?

Anonymous said...

Hey girl. I'm glad your test is over! And I love what you did with your page!