
to ponder and ramble...

Do you ever feel like your life could be a movie, or at least a scene from one?

I felt that way tonight. I babysat today, and overall it was a pretty good day with them. We played a lot of "Thomas the Train" and "Dora" games, as well as read the books. I even caught myself being seriously intrigued by one of our Dora books!

Anyways... the above paragraph wasn't very relevant, and okay, because that's how I talk in person, and you'd probably get either frustrated or amused with me in our conversations... I'm defintely a rambler...

Anyways.. (I promise this time)... I was driving home from babysitting, and it was raining, and I'm beginning to love the rain, and it was just a time for me to think, explore, and enjoy. I loved it. That's when I thought my life could be a scene from a movie. I was thinking about how just a few years ago I was still in high school and thinking "I can't wait to drive to my very own place, after working, going to a play, or [insert mature thing to do here]." Yeah, pretty funny, huh? I seriously thought like that, and for the most part, still do. But I love it.

I'm turning 20 in less than 2 weeks, and while it might not sound like a big number to you, it's huge to me, but at the same time, it really isn't. I really hope that I never lose my childlike thoughts, my joy in life from simple things like rain, my constant ponderings. I hope that I am always like this, because that's what makes my life fun. I never want to lose it. I think God made me like that on purpose, because I can smile because of sOmething "little" He placed in my path. I am excited about turning 20, but the years are becoming nothing more than merely numbers. I hope I still think this way 20 years down the road....

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

You've GOT to be able to enjoy the simple things, Krista. Life can be so complicated, and it's a shame to overlook the blessings God gives us in weather, creatures, nature, silence, music...

By the way, are you here in town?