

I wish I had something witty to say :)

Well, things are going really good. I am taking my last test before finals in exactly 46 minutes, and I am not worried about it :) I love that feeling. The test is in Classroom Technology (which is a very easy class). I honestly believe that they should no longer have this course as a required class because our generation typically knows a TON about computers. I mean, if you didn't- you're in the minority.

I bought these really cute brown shoes (I never buy shoes, because apparently flip flops don't count) and they gave me the worst blisters. Does anyone know what to do with really cute shoes that give you blisters? I'm thinking of putting some sort of cushion on the part that gives me blisters, but I didn't know if that was safe or not. Any suggestions? Maybe I'll google it.

Well, I'd best go study for that test :)

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Um...if they don't look used on the bottom, I'd take the shoes back. But if they do, or if they're REALLY, REALLY, REALLY cute, I'd probably wear a bandaid, suffer through in the name of fashion, and hope I could break them in. ;)