
My Pugs :)

So I love my dogs sooo much and they definitely make our life interesting! They have been getting the spa life lately, as they have been going to the vet to get their baths. (We are trying to be extra careful about fleas during the summer now...) Here are some pictures to show you their complete joy!

Edith sleeping the day away after a stay at the vet's office. Isn't she cute?

This is Khaki's famous stretch... he always does this when he wants you to pet him and tell him how good of a dog he is. :)

I caught Edith for a pic! Can you see her smile? She's actually pretty photgenic... ;)

My two lovely pugs. They're so great!


Anonymous said...

Your dogs are so cute!
My dog does "the stretch" too.... but its more of a "I'm cute and I know it" stretch.
I'm glad that God made dogs...what would we do without them?

Stephanie said...

Aww...cute pictures of you and the pugsies! She's not only smiling, but WINKING in the picture with you! Oh, wait...she's missing an eye. I forgot. ;)