
Twisted logic??

So you may think this sounds odd... but it makes sense to me! I have decided that not being a morning person may actually be a good thing! Hear me out.... Because I am most definitely not a morning person, I feel tired whether I slept for 8 hours or for 3! I decided that this morning when I woke up at 7 after finally falling to sleep around 3:30 or 4. I will never take for granted a sore-free throat again!! :)

Anyways, I have 3 classes today. I've already been to two: General Psychology (I've been putting that one off for a while. The teacher is very spunky! Especially for 8 am!)and Advanced Rhetoric, which seems like it will be an interesting class. The teacher is very laid back, so that's nice! I have Advanced Grammar at 1, which I am very scared of!! Anyways, I'm trying very hard to stay on top of my classes early! My friends Edgar and Analy and I are going to Starbucks tonight to all read for our classes. So hopefully we get a lot done!!

Hope you are all doing good! Good luck to all the students this semester! :)

1 comment:

Glynis said...

good luck with your semester! i hope i will see you very very soon!!