

Yesterday I interviewed for a position in Burnet, and it sounded so perfect! The district sounded absolutely wonderful- very student-centered, and that's what I loved most. It just seemed to fit with my "philosophy" of education, and I am very hopeful that I get hired. Plus, Burnet is such a beautiful town, it would be very fun to live there. I don't find out until Tuesday, but I've decided that whatever the outcome, I will be happy.

Today I completed my pedagogy training through A+ Texas Teachers, and I am really happy with the program as a whole. I really do feel like they prepared me to do well in my classroom. My UMHB classes also helped me out, but it was different experiencing this training in a non-classroom setting.

Russell and I leave for Tennessee on Tuesday! I'm pretty excited. It's going to be a good 17-18 hour drive, but I haven't been out of state in a few years, so it will be fun. We're going for Thanksgiving to spend it with his family. It should be fun!! :)

Oh, and I graduate in 27 days!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats! the end is in sight!