
Catchin' Up

For all you girls out there...

Do you ever let your emotions get the best of you?

I do... and I think it's a huge problem. I know that we all have feelings and that those feelings are important, but I'm sure most of us (or at least myself) get so caught up in those crazy emotions. I don't know much about the male thought process, but from what I hear, guys are pretty good about turning their emotions on or off. I tried to be good at that, and sometimes it works... temporarily. I can turn these emotions off like I am stopping them in their tracks, but they always catch up with me.

I know I may not be making sense, but I'm learning that I have to deal with things. Things for me, being my dad's deployment, my friendships, relationships, academics, and overall just my expectations for myself. If something doesn't turn out my way, I have to deal with it. Not only is it good to deal with these things, but it's becoming a necessity. I find myself becoming overwhelmed when I don't...

I like this blog because it helps me to write out what I am thinking, and it's as if once it's it's all out there it's confirmed.

Thank you for reading my confirmations. :) I hope someone out there can relate!

1 comment:

lauren noel said...

hey missy! you are so sweet. emotions are a pain...i will do my best to be a little less girly in that area :) maybe we can help each other!